donderdag 7 augustus 2008


A few addenda to the previous postings:

Protein synthesis involves a mold/template or matrix  (RNA molecule embodying a code). This mold must be available before synthesis can start, so, it has to be made in a previous substage. Generally speaking, a system has to learn how to make molds. With humans, a child copies an awful lot of what it perceives in its milieu or social environment. Human thinking involves molds or templates too. The most obvious example is the phenomenon of stereotypic thinking.  Besides that, humans have to use categories to order their minds. Lazy thinking is a form of crystallized thinking. The thought-process follows well-established paths in that case.
I think that these observations of mine can be fruitful in the further research of holistic systems theory, e.g. as to the question whether there is always a template/mold/matrix involved in production? (the 3-4-5 connection as per my model, where template-combination-production is a central thing,  information is decoded, and new substantive forms are produced ).

Another addendum concerns Living Systems Theory: the subsystems embody or represent dynamisms. They fulfil some functions (often or usually more than one function - nature has efficiency in this regard). A nice book in this regard is:

František Baluška
Stefano Mancuso
Dieter Volkmann (Eds.)
Communication in Plants: Neuronal Aspects of Plant Life (2006)
ISBN-10 3-540-28475-3 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
ISBN-13 978-3-540-28475-8 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York

This book is a break-through regarding plants as intelligent creatures.